The Centenary Tennis Clubs Association signs a contract with EFG a financial firm.


The Committee of management of CTC meets in Lausanne, may 17, 2010.



The Members of the CTC Association held their Annual General Meeting at the Olympic Museum of Laussane, on November 21, 2009. The financial statements for the year 2008 were approved, the budget for year 2009 was presented and approved and a full report of the 2009 Tennis CTC Competitions both for senior and juniors was presented. Three new Clubs were accepted as new members of the Association: Tennis Club Genova (Italy), Royal Oak Tennis Club (Hudson- Canada) and Columbia Country Club (Chevi Chase – Maryland - USA). All three of them have a lot of interest in becoming active members of the same. The necessary modifications of the Articles of the Association were approved in order to create a CTC consultant group. After the meeting all the assistants enjoyed their lunch at the restaurant of the Olympic Museum as a courtesy of the Olympic Institution.


On the 22nd of November 2008, the Annual General Meeting of the Centenary Tennis Clubs, with the presence of numerous representatives of the associated clubs of the CTC, was held at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne.
In compliance with what is stipulated in the Articles of the Association, new members of the Committee of Management were elected. The Committee of Management is as a result currently constituted with the following persons:
Mr. Juan M. Tintoré - R.C.T.Barcelona-1899 - President
Mr. Jürgen Buttkus - T.C. Genève
Mr. Donald Macleod - Cumberland L.T.C.
Mr. Lars Myhrman - Kungl. L.T.K.
Mr. Wolfgang Hofer - LTTC Rot Weis Berlin
Mr. Declan Heavey - Fitzwilliam L.T.C.
Mr. Petr Simunek - I.Cesky L.T.K. Praha
Mr. Peter Ristau - T.C.1899 Blau Weiss Berlin
Sir James Harvie-Watt - International Tennis Hall of Fame

The admission of two clubs was also endorsed:
- Lawn Tennis Clube da Foz, Porto, Portugal
- Roehampton Club, London, UK

Following the meeting, a dinner was held in the Museum Restaurant. We should like to express our sincere appreciation to the Olympic Museum for the facilities provided for the organization of this annual meeting


The 2007 Annual General Meeting of the Centenary Tennis Club was held this past 17 November at the Olympic Museum of Lausanne.
The CTC has its headquarters established at the Olympic Museum due to the express wishes of the then President of the International Olympic Committee Mr. Juan Antonio Samaranch and is the place where Assemblies and other relevant functions are held.
It should be mentioned that the admission of four notably important clubs was approved at this recent Assembly: The Queen’s Club (London, UK), California Tennis Club (San Francisco, USA), Tennis Club Napoli (Naples, Italy) and the Winchester Tennis & Squash Club (Winchester, UK), institutions which will undoubtedly help in the expansion and recognition of the CTC. The organization of competitions in 2008 was another of the subjects which was commented upon, with the hopes of increasing the number of participating clubs.
After the work session a luncheon was held in the Restaurant of the Olympic Museum, which the members present in the Assembly attended.
From these lines we should like to express our sincere thanks to the personnel of the Olympic Museum for their collaboration and for the facilities provided for the staging of the program for the Assembly.

Coinciding with the 10th Anniversary of its foundation, the CTC held its 2006 Annual General Meeting on the 18th of November 2006 at the Olympic Museum of Lausanne, headquarters of the Association.

Mr. Juan Antonio Samaranch, the driving force behind the CTC in 1996 and Honorary President of the International Olympic Committee, was present at the Meeting. During the Meeting, Mr. Juan Antonio Samaranch was named Honorary Life President of the CTC, and he was presented with a commemorative plaque. The Olympic Museum also received a plaque, having hosted the meetings of the CTC for the past 10 years. The Tennis Club Parioli (Rome, Italy), the Sopot Tennis Club (Sopot, Poland) and the Real Sociedad de Tenis de La Magdalena (Santander, Spain) were admitted as members.

The AGM was held on 19 November 2005 in the Olympic Museum of Lausanne where, among other points on the agenda, the admission of ten new clubs was approved: Club de Tenis Valencia (Valencia, España), Circolo de Tennis Bologna (Bologna, Italia), Royal King’s park Tennis Club (Perth, Australia), Berkeley Tennis Club (Berkeley, California, USA), Toronto Lawn Tennis Club (Toronto, Canada), Nordstrand Tennisklubb (Oslo, Norway), Carrickmines Lawn Tennis Club (Dublin, Ireland), Real Club de Tenis San Sebastian (San Sebastian, España), The Edgbaston Priory Club (Birmingham, UK) y Le Touquet Tennis Club (Le Toquet, France).
The election of the new Committee of Management was also carried out, with the following composition:
Mr. Juan M. Tintoré – R.C.T. Barcelona-1899
Mr. Wolfgang Hofer – LTTC Rotweiss Berlin
Mr. Jürgen Buttkus – T.C.de Genève
Mr. Lars Myhrman – Kungliga L.T.K.
Mr. Maurizio Suardi – T.C.Milano A.Bonacossa
Mr. Petr Simunek – I Cesky L.T.K.
Mr. Declan Heavey – Fitzwilliam L.T.C.
Mr. Theodore Sperry – Int.Tennis Hall of Fame
Mr. Bernard Dupouy – Villa Primrose Bordeaux

Appointed: Mr. Juan M. Tintoré (President), Mr. Jürgen Buttkus (Treasurer), Mr. Yves Bourquin (Auditor) and Mr. Carlos Mercé (Secretary).

In November of 2001 the CTC, in collaboration with the RCTB-1899, organized the "Ist Forum of Tennis School Coaches" in the installations of the Spanish club. The two days of presentations were attended by more than twenty persons, many of them from the different clubs of the CTC. The seven papers that were presented were highly relevant and gave rise to lively discussion, which served to bring to light the concern of the clubs in respect to their Tennis Schools, insofar as all aspects of training and formation are concerned, as well as social, sportive, competition, etc.


Having completed play of the eight editions of the IOC President Cup, the Committee of Management of the CTC is considering a new competition for 2005 in which all clubs affiliated with the CTC would be able to participate. The project is to be presented for approval to the AGM, which will take place on the 20th of November 2004 in the Olympic Museum of Lausanne.

In September of 1999, parallel to the competition that was being held in Barcelona, a Bridge Tournament was organized in which the teams from the Cumberland LTC, Royal Leopold Club, T.C. Milano A.Bonacossa and RCTB-1899 participated. After two days of competition, the final victory went to the Royal Leopold Club, who won over the rest of the participants by a narrow margin of points.

In October of the same year, an exposition under the name "Tennis through the Centenary Clubs" was held, with objects and photographs provided by the clubs who at that time belonged to the CTC. Present at the inauguration was the President of the CIO, Mr. Juan A. Samaranch, who conversed with those attending and inquired about the history of the exhibiting clubs.

In June of 1998, coinciding with the playing of the IOC President Cup in the Royal Leopold Club of Brussels, a meeting of the coaches in charge of the Tennis Schools of the participating clubs was organized. Those who were in attendance provided a presentation of their respective schools, explaining organizational aspects and the objectives and expectations they hoped to achieve. It proved to be an interesting interchange of experiences that everyone deemed to be very positive.